How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy

Discover How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy. Learn about the challenges and solutions to securing hybrid and remote work environments

How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy has become a critical concern due to the ongoing shift to hybrid and remote work models. This transition has created new security challenges, particularly with the increased use of SaaS applications.

How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy involves addressing the risk associated with new applications and services that enhance collaboration across various locations. This proliferation of new tools and unmanaged devices presents an urgent need for improved access management and identity verification.

The core issue in How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy is the inability to protect what cannot be seen. Traditional security practices, which focused on protecting access tied to a physical location or a company-managed device, are inadequate for a work environment where employees operate from anywhere, on any device, using various apps—whether company-approved or not.

How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy also entails understanding the risks of shadow IT. A recent study found that one in three employees (34%) use shadow IT in the form of unmanaged, unapproved applications. Additionally, more than half of employees have worked on personal devices in the past year, and 20% have used public computers or devices belonging to friends or family. This demonstrates that employees frequently sign in to work accounts from unmanaged devices.

The risks associated with shadow IT highlight the importance of How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy:

IT lacks visibility into the private company information stored or shared with these apps and services.
IT cannot revoke access to apps that it does not know exist if an employee leaves the company.
In the event of a data breach involving these apps or devices, IT teams cannot take appropriate security measures to protect information they are unaware of.
How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy can be effectively addressed through a zero trust security approach. Zero trust, based on the premise of ‘trust nothing, verify everything,’ is an ideal solution. However, traditional security tools fall short in securing invisible and unmanaged applications and devices.

For example, How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy through single sign-on (SSO) is problematic. While SSO is considered a comprehensive solution, it cannot protect shadow IT apps or in-house applications and is often too expensive to extend to all apps or users. Consequently, over two-thirds of security professionals believe SSO tools are not a complete solution for securing employees’ identities.

This discrepancy between the devices, apps, and identities employees currently use and the capabilities of traditional tools is known as the access-trust gap. The wider this gap, the greater the risk of a data breach. Thus, How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy becomes increasingly challenging for IT teams trying to implement a zero trust model with insufficient tools.

Extended Access Management (XAM) is a solution that addresses How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy. XAM updates the approach to identity and access management, aligning it with contemporary work practices. Moving beyond traditional tools, XAM offers a comprehensive solution for securing identity, devices, and applications.

How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy with new tools like 1PasswordⓇ Extended Access Management includes:

  • Securing all applications—managed and unmanaged.
  • Providing a single universal sign-on for all applications.
  • Ensuring only healthy devices can access applications.
  • Delivering a user-friendly experience that maintains productivity without creating IT bottlenecks.

With XAM, businesses can secure every sign-in for every app from every device, including those unmanaged by IT or security. How To Bridge the Access Management Gap in Your Business’ Security Strategy is essential as work evolves and legacy security solutions lag behind. Organizations that do not adapt to this changing landscape will be more vulnerable to threats exploiting security gaps exposed by shadow IT and hybrid/remote work. XAM represents the future of security, helping to protect unmanaged apps and devices regardless of where employees use them.

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