
Google Acquires Cameyo: Unlocking Windows Apps on ChromeOS

Google Acquires Cameyo, a company renowned for its virtualization tools that enable Windows apps to operate on ChromeOS devices, for an undisclosed amount.

In a collaborative blog post, Cameyo CEO Andrew Miller and Google product lead Naveen Viswanatha declared that this acquisition would enhance ChromeOS by streamlining access to Windows apps, removing the necessity for complicated installations or updates.

“Integrating ChromeOS with Cameyo’s state-of-the-art virtual application delivery technology allows businesses to modernize their IT infrastructure while preserving their existing software investments,” stated Miller and Viswanatha.

Google Acquires Cameyo as part of its strategic move to integrate Cameyo’s technology. Cameyo CTO Eyal Dotan, who co-founded the company with Miller in January 2018, aimed to create a platform for virtualizing Windows apps, enabling them to run on non-Windows machines and within web browsers. This technology works by virtualizing an app and delivering it from various environments, such as a public cloud like AWS, a private cloud, an on-premises datacenter, or a hybrid cloud setup.

Last year, Google Acquires Cameyo following a partnership that introduced features like Windows app local file system integration and the ability to deliver virtual Windows apps as progressive web apps, which run in browsers and are hosted in datacenters.

As highlighted by Tom Warren from The Verge, Google Acquires Cameyo to bolster ChromeOS’s presence in business and education sectors after lukewarm consumer response. Cameyo’s technology provides a robust solution for organizations looking to transition from Windows or use both Windows and ChromeOS, especially as more apps shift to cloud and web-based platforms.

Cameyo’s website indicates that hundreds of organizations, including school districts and financial institutions, already depend on its software, showing the impact and potential growth following the news that Google Acquires Cameyo.

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